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General Data Protection Regulations

Data Protection Officers

At TraffSec Ltd we can guide you to compliance and direct you through those difficult Data processing issues.

 Technology, staff errors and poor standards of operational procedures will cost you  valuable time and money especially if you were unaware  that it was your responsibility .

 Hire highly trained and experienced officers to help. Contact us today.


GDPR Compliance!

Most small businesses are at a loss when we ask if they are Data Compliant and then they proceed to argue that they are not actually processing data, we hear it every single day. In fact when I mention the Information Commissioner's Office there is often a total loss of cognitive function and then its either "What right have you got to come in here telling me what I have to do" or "Can you please leave my premises now".......we hear these comments and worse most days. Our duty is to help make you compliant, educate you on GDPR responsibilities, give you guidance, save you money and your valuable time.

Our service

We provide peace of mind with a full 365 days, 24hrs a day service which will ensure your continued compliance, help you understand your duties as a Controller and keep your Processors up to date. We will carry out appropriate staff training and help you document how you operate your business in relation to GDPR. The ICO expect the highest level of standards and your license fee to be paid, let us make it a stress free process with a competent strategy with someone at the end of the phone when needed.

Data Protection Officers are there to help, call: 07377 379 229/07800 559 468

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